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[ deepconv/arare ]
Cold bubble experiment of Skamarock and Klemp (1989).
Warm bubble experiment of Skamarock and Klemp (1989).
The pseudo-reproduction of Scamarock and Klemp (1994).
With the setting of Hueso and Sanchez-Lavega (2001).
All of the test runs of deepconv/arare4.
Deepconv Development Group:
- 2007/07/13 (Ko-ichiro Sugiyama)
- Jupiter's cloud convection (1)
- Use Kessler (1969) cloud parameterization.
- Fluxes at lower boundary is specified by bulk formula.
- Body cooling (-1 K/day) is introduced between 90 and 175 km height.
- Jupiter's cloud convection (1, movie)
- Jupiter's cloud convection (2)
- Use Kessler (1969) cloud parameterization.
- Heat fluxes at lower boundary is specified by bulk formula.
- Mixing ratios of condensation component are fixed at lower boundary.
- Body cooling (-1 K/day) is introduced between 90 and 175 km height.
- Jupiter's cloud convection (3)
- Use Kessler (1969) cloud parameterization.
- Fluxes at lower boundary is specified by bulk formula.
- Body cooling (-1 K/day) is introduced between 90 and 175 km height.
- Jupiter's cloud convection (4)
- Use Kessler (1969) cloud parameterization.
- Heat fluxes at lower boundary is specified by bulk formula.
- Mixing ratios of condensation component are fixed at lower boundary.
- Body cooling (-1 K/day) is introduced between 90 and 175 km height.
- Buoyancy is evaluated by using temperature deviation from horizontal
mean temperature.
dcmodel Development Group / GFD Dennou Staff
Last Updated: 2007/07/13, Since: 2007/07/13