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Debian GNU/Linux binary packages

SPMODEL library (spml)

Debian GNU/Linux deb packages are available.

Compiler Package
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (woody)
Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 (sarge)
Fujitsu Fortran & C ver. 5 spml-ssl2-ffc5_current_i386.deb spml-lapack-ffc5_current_i386.deb spml-ssl2-ffc5_current_i386.deb
Intel Fortran & C ver. 8 spml-ifc8_current_i386.deb
Intel Fortran & C ver. 8.1 spml-lapack-ifc8.1_current_i386.deb spml-lapack-ifc8.1_current_i386.deb

SPMODEL documentation (spml-doc)

Compiler Package
Fujitsu Fortran & C ver. 5 spml-doc_current_all.deb
Intel Fortran & C ver. 8
Intel Fortran & C ver. 8.1

Installation by using apt

Add following statements to /etc/apt/sources.list.

deb ftp://www.gfd-dennou.org/arch/spmodel/debian woody/
deb-src ftp://www.gfd-dennou.org/arch/spmodel/debian woody/

And then use apt-get command to install packages as follows;

# apt-get install spml-ssl2-ffc5

GFD Dennou Club Staff:
last modify: 2005-05-20 by Yasuhiro Morikawa